No. 258 (2020)

The nunnery of St. Andrew in Krisei[1] in Istanbul Khodja Muṣṭafā Mosque or Sünbül Efendi Mosque: a photographic, historical and bibliographical context

No. 258 (2020)

By Maria Vaiou


The east end of the church

The building is situated within the Koca Mustafa Paşa Külliyesi in Ali Fakih Mahallesi in the Fatih district. Northwest of the monastery of the Peribleptos The monastery was built by Arcadia (400–44) sister of emperor Theodosius II (d. 450), in honor of St. Andrew, founder of the church of Constantinople; the building was also called also Phodophylion. The monastery was later

„No. 258 (2020)“ weiterlesen

No. 254 (2019)

The Byzantine churches founded by the emperor Constantine (324‒37)[1]

No. 254 (2019)

By Maria Vaiou

[1] ODB, 1, 498‒500; For the churches attributed to him, see G. Dagron, Naissance d‘ une capitale: Constantinople et ses institutions (Paris, 1974), 391‒409; J. Burckhardt, The age of Constantine the Great, (1852, tr. 1960); N. Baynes, Constantine the Great and the Christian church (1929; rev. 1972); S. N. C. Lieu, and D. Montserrat, eds., Constantine, history, historiography and legend (London, 1998); T. Grünewald, Constantinus Maximus Augustus. Herrschaftspropaganda in der zeitgenuössischen Uberlieferung (1992); and P. Stephenson, Constantine: unconquered emperor,  Christian victor (London, 2009).

„No. 254 (2019)“ weiterlesen

No. 253 (2019)

A preliminary list of Byzantine hagiographical sources (and martyrologies) on Muslim-Byzantine relations

No. 253 (2019)

By Maria Valou

Martyrdom of Agathonikos of Jerusalem (d. 715–7), AASS Oct. IX (1858), 360–2.

EPLBHC, 1, ‘Agathonikos’, 84–5.

Akropolites, C.,  (d. before 1324), eds. J. P. Migne, and J. de Rubeis, Τοῦ σοφωτάτου κύρου Κωνσταντίνου Λογοθέτου Ἀκροπολίτου Λόγος εἰς τὸν ἃγιον Ἰωάννην τὸν Δαμασκηνόν= ‘Sapientissimi domni Constantini Logothetae Acripolitae Sermo in s. Joannem Damascenum’, PG 140 (1865), 811–86.

„No. 253 (2019)“ weiterlesen