No. 275

John Calvin – a pioneer of the spirit of capitalism?
An Essay

No. 275 (2020)

by Edmund Weber


The thesis John Calvin (1509-1564) was the religious initiator of modern capitalist mentality is inconsistent with his teaching; just the opposite is true. Calvin represented a very traditional i.e. non- or even ant-capitalist socio-economic position. There one does not find on his doctrine what could have fostered and prepared a so-called spirit of capitalism.

Keywords: John Calvin this-sided and other-sided predestination spirit of capitalism „No. 275“ weiterlesen

Nr. 240 (2018)

Johannes Kalvin
Ein Wegbereiter des Geistes des Kapitalismus?

Nr. 240 (2018)

Von Edmund Weber

The thesis John Calvin has been the religious initiator of modern capitalist mentality is not in accordance with his doctrine, just the opposite is true. Calvin had a very traditional will say non- or even ant-capitalist in view of economic behaviour.

„Nr. 240 (2018)“ weiterlesen