No. 259 (2020)

Byzantines churches or monasteries in Constantinople turned into mosques. A few examples.

No. 259 (2020)

By Maria Vaiou

Church of St. Theodore ta Karbounaria[1]  St. Theodore of Tyrone

The Molla Gürani [2]Mosque or Vefa Kilise Mosque or Kilise Camii; Molla or Malta Şemsettin Camii

Vefa Kilise In the background

The west façade from the northwest

„No. 259 (2020)“ weiterlesen

No. 254 (2019)

The Byzantine churches founded by the emperor Constantine (324‒37)[1]

No. 254 (2019)

By Maria Vaiou

[1] ODB, 1, 498‒500; For the churches attributed to him, see G. Dagron, Naissance d‘ une capitale: Constantinople et ses institutions (Paris, 1974), 391‒409; J. Burckhardt, The age of Constantine the Great, (1852, tr. 1960); N. Baynes, Constantine the Great and the Christian church (1929; rev. 1972); S. N. C. Lieu, and D. Montserrat, eds., Constantine, history, historiography and legend (London, 1998); T. Grünewald, Constantinus Maximus Augustus. Herrschaftspropaganda in der zeitgenuössischen Uberlieferung (1992); and P. Stephenson, Constantine: unconquered emperor,  Christian victor (London, 2009).

„No. 254 (2019)“ weiterlesen

No. 253 (2019)

A preliminary list of Byzantine hagiographical sources (and martyrologies) on Muslim-Byzantine relations

No. 253 (2019)

By Maria Valou

Martyrdom of Agathonikos of Jerusalem (d. 715–7), AASS Oct. IX (1858), 360–2.

EPLBHC, 1, ‘Agathonikos’, 84–5.

Akropolites, C.,  (d. before 1324), eds. J. P. Migne, and J. de Rubeis, Τοῦ σοφωτάτου κύρου Κωνσταντίνου Λογοθέτου Ἀκροπολίτου Λόγος εἰς τὸν ἃγιον Ἰωάννην τὸν Δαμασκηνόν= ‘Sapientissimi domni Constantini Logothetae Acripolitae Sermo in s. Joannem Damascenum’, PG 140 (1865), 811–86.

„No. 253 (2019)“ weiterlesen

Nr. 248 (2019)

The Byzantine Churches of Constantinople
An Introduction

Nr. 248 (2019)

Von Maria Vaiou

Apart from Du Cange’s (1610-88) and Janin’s, comprehensive survey of Byzantine churches and monasteries of Constantinople no other up-to-date thematic or chronological survey exists on the subject. Janin, in addition to his monumental work, which serves as a guide for his extensive and detailed study of Byzantine churches and monasteries of Constantinople, based on literary sources, provides us with a collection of articles on topography and on the history of certain monasteries of Constantinople, according to their nominal dedication.[1]

„Nr. 248 (2019)“ weiterlesen

Nr. 245 (2019)

Τhe Byzantine Churches of Constantinople after the Fall[1]

Nr. 245 (2019)

Von Maria Vaiou

The fifteenth century Byzantine historian Krtitovoulos (d.1470) mentions that during the fall the sultan Mehmed II (d.1481) had promised to the soldiers that among the goods to enjoy and take profit if they fought well was the beauty of the churches. Reportedly among the crowds who were trying to escape the slaughter, many peple, men, women and children fled to the churches to make supplication. In Hagia Sophia a crowd of people had taken refuge

„Nr. 245 (2019)“ weiterlesen