Nr. 17 (1998)

Beten und Verstehen
Eine religionswissenschaftliche Annäherung an Friedrich Heiler (1892 -1967)

Nr. 17 (1998)

von Karl Dienst

Eine Hinführung zur Themaformulierung

‚Friedrich Heiler als Religionswissenschaftler‘ – so lautete die ursprünglich vorgesehene Formulierung des Themas. Im Prozeß des Nachdenkens gab es gute Gründe für eine Modifikation. Zunächst ist die begriffliche Näherbestimmung von ‚Religionswissenschaft‘ weithin zu einem positionellen Unternehmen geworden. Der Bogen spannt sich von einem aufklärerisch-religionskritischen Impetus bis hin zu einer theologischen Indienstnahme der Religionswissenschaft. Welcher Position ist Heiler hier zuzuordnen?

„Nr. 17 (1998)“ weiterlesen

Nr. 16 (1998)

Free Love and Bhakti
An Inter-religious Study on Martin Luther and Shri Krishna Caitanyai

Nr. 16 (1998)

von Edmund Weber

Martin Luther (1483 – 1546) and Vishvambhara Mishra (1486 – 1533), known as Shri Krishna Caitanya, have been the outstanding representatives of the great west-eastern religious revolution which shattered the hearts of their societies in the 16th century. They were the spiritual revolutionaries of the modern times.

The question may very well be raised if and how these two religious reformers on the edge of modern age share theological commonness, even though they lived wide apart and certainly did not know of each other.

We will see: Both Martin Luther and Shri Krishna Caitanya have taught the unconditioned, Free Love viz. Bhakti. Even if they did it

„Nr. 16 (1998)“ weiterlesen

Nr. 15b (1997)

The Hindu Buddha
according to the Theology of the Bengali Vaishnava Acharya
Bhaktivedanta Swami

Nr. 15b (1997)

von Edmund Weber

In the broad Indian religious culture we find two basic concepts of the inner structure of the Holy. The Advaita religion believes in the ’not-two‘ will say absolute ‚oneness‘ of the ultimate reality. The Dvaita religion yet believes in ‚two‘ will say the dual structure of the whole. Nevertheless, the latter one is no radical dualism because it recognises nothing to be outside the last reality. It is a kind of ‚dualist monism‘ and insofar fundamentally different to West Asian and European moderate or radical dualism.

The Dvaita religion experiences the inner structure of the Holy as everlasting dynamic relation of the whole and its parts. As a rule, the representation of the whole

„Nr. 15b (1997)“ weiterlesen

Nr. 15a (1997)

Der Hindu Buddha
in der Theologie des bengalischen Vaishnava Acharya
Bhaktivedanta Swami

Nr. 15a (1997)

von Edmund Weber

Die Vaishnavas [1] zählen zu den indischen Dvaitas oder Theisten. Sie verehren Vishnu bzw. Krishna als einzigen, allumfassenden und personalen Gott. Dieser Gott kommt, wenn die Weltordnung, der Dharma, in Gefahr oder gestört ist, als heilbringender Avatar in die Welt. Und Buddha war ein solcher Avatar, d.h. eine helfende Inkarnation Vishnus.

Ganz in dieser Tradition stehend hat der weltbekannte Gaudiya-Vaishnava Lehrer und Gründer-Acharya der Iskcon, Swami Bhaktivedanta [1896-1977] [2] in seiner Theologie Buddha als Mensch gewordenen Gott,

„Nr. 15a (1997)“ weiterlesen

Nr. 14 (1997)

Bhakti and Christian Faith
according to Rudolf Otto (1869-1937)

Nr. 14 (1997)

von Heinz Röhr

[Translated from German by Michael Vogt]

This study is obliged to the „Marburg School of the Science of Religions“ (R. Otto, H. Frick, K. Goldammer, E. Benz). The methodological concept follows the comparison of religions, as it is classically demonstrated by R. Otto in his work about „West-östliche Mystik“[1] concerning the contrasting of Shankara and Meister Eckhart. That the comparison of the figures of the masters which is practised in this school may yield good results is also proved by G. Mensching, Otto’s disciple in Bonn, in his book on „Buddha und Christus – ein Vergleich“[2] and H. Frick, Otto’s successor on the Marburg chair in Systematic Theology, in his early treatise

„Nr. 14 (1997)“ weiterlesen

Nr. 13 (1997)

Minorities in a Democracy with Special Reference to India

Nr. 13 (1997)

von James Massey (Delhi)

I am proposing to deal with my subject „Minorities in a Democracy with special reference to India“ under the following heads: A Recent Case; Nature and Relationship, Formation and Responses; Concluding Remarks.

  1. A Recent Case

I became a member of the National Commission for Minorities on 3rd of December, 1996. This means I have now

„Nr. 13 (1997)“ weiterlesen

Nr. 12b (1997)

Historical Theology and Inter-Religious Dialogue

„….in no other than the human form is it possible for beings to experience and become acquainted with my real existence.“

Nr. 12b (1997)

von Matthias Benad

That God has to become man in order to reveal the being of God to mankind is a belief not only held by Christianity. In Bhagavata Purana, one of the holy scriptures of Hinduism, God Vishnu speaks the sentence quoted above when he is incarnated as Krishna. In a world getting ever smaller, awareness of other religions gains more and more importance. It is my purpose to show what contribution the theological field I represent, ecclesiastical history or historical theology,1 may make towards getting to know other religions and seeking dialogue with them. I will use the worship of Krishna in the following text to exemplify my propositions.2

My explanations are set out in five parts:

„Nr. 12b (1997)“ weiterlesen

Nr. 12a (1997)

Historische Theologie und interreligiöser Dialog

„… in keiner anderen als der menschlichen Gestalt ist es möglich,

daß die Wesen mein wirkliches Sein erfahren und kennenlernen.“

Nr. 12a (1997)

von Matthias Benad

Daß Gott Mensch werden müsse, um den Menschen das Wesen Gottes zu offenbaren, ist kein ausschließlich im Christentum verbreiteter Gedanke. Im Bhagavata Purana, einer der heiligen Schriften der Hindus, spricht Gott Vishnu bei Gelegenheit seiner Menschwerdung als Krishna den oben zitierten Satz. In einer immer kleiner werdenden Welt gewinnt die gegenseitige Wahrnehmung der Religionen immer größere Bedeutung. Meine Absicht ist es, mich im folgenden darüber zu äußern, welchen Beitrag die von mir vertretene theologische Disziplin, die Kirchengeschichte oder historische Theologie[1], dazu leisten kann, andere Religionen zur Kenntnis zu nehmen und das Gespräch mit ihnen zu suchen. Als Bezugspunkt dient mir im folgenden die Krishna-Verehrung [2]. Meine Ausführungen gliedern sich in fünf Abschnitte:

„Nr. 12a (1997)“ weiterlesen

Nr. 11 (1997)

The Religion of the ISKCON Vaishnavas in the Perspectives of Diacritical Theology

Nr. 11 (1997)

von Edmund Weber

In Germany, theological studies on the Hindu religion of the International Society of Krishna Consciousness and its Vaishnava theology are still only just beginning. Previously this relevant task was left mostly to religio-political polemics, resulting in a politically highly problematic research deficit which seriously impeded the necessary social and clerical confrontation with these new religious impulses in the German society. But theological passiveness and polemic activism

„Nr. 11 (1997)“ weiterlesen

Nr. 10 (1997)

Inter-Religious Dialogue in India with Special Reference to Islam: Positions, Experiences and Reflections

Nr. 10 (1997)

von James Massey (Delhi)*

  1. Introduction

As both time and space at hand for this presentation** is limited, therefore instead of a longer introductory note, here a move is made to deal with the given subject straight. In the second section the background both historical and theological is discussed, which win state the position of the inter-religious dialogue in India. The third section will deal with the involvement and experiences of the Roman Catholic and Protestant churches in the field of inter-religious dialogue. The fourth section deals with other living religions specially Islam. Finally in section five concluding remarks are given in the form of reflections and in section six, the notes and references are listed.

„Nr. 10 (1997)“ weiterlesen